Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Cleaning ...'Tis the Season!

Spring brings with it the guilt instilled in us to begin "spring cleaning"...not sure who started this abhorrent tradition, but as it is now here, we need some "guilt-free" ways to address it! "Redbook" (4/10, p.178) has 8 suggestions for items to toss immediately without feeling guilt (reasons are cited in the article so be sure to check it out!):

1) Kitchen items you haven't used in 1+ years

2) Entire contents of your junk drawer (mine is in the kitchen, yours may be in your desk...)

3) Clothes that no longer fit (do not assume if you are a size 16 you will be size 2 in the future...let's be realistic readers!)

4) School work from high school or college (and, I would add, all of your kids' report cards from kindergarten on if they have left the nest! See if they want them...if not, toss 'em)

5) Baby gear...ok I am so past this stage anyway and if you are past baby #2, toss standards have no doubt changed!

6) Random receipts...if they are not necessary for tax documentation, toss them!

7) Half used bottles of makeup, shampoo, etc. (and I would also suggest extracts in your kitchen cupboard!) - if you aren't using it now, you likely will ignore it down the road too!

8)Books you haven't read (and have had for over 1 year) or will never read...donate them and be done with it!

And, I am certain that a number of items could be added to this list...add your suggestions and then GO CLEAN!

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