Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Seven Memory Improvers

USA Weekend published seven ways to improve your memory (Aug. 26-28, 2011). I can be scatter-brained sometimes, but I am in favor of avoiding that! Here are their techniques as recommended by experts in the fields of cognition and aging:

1 - Paint a mental picture to help you remember a name or date.

2 - Switch things up - change your PC font to one that is actually harder to read as it forces you to concentrate more on the info you are reading.

3 - Talk to yourself (uh...no problem there for me!).

4 - "Use it or lose it" - the more you work your brain the healthier and sharper it will be - learn a new language, play Scrabble, take on online course - exercise for your brain!

5 - Don't be a loner (they even suggest that Facebook and Twitter count as social activities because written communication keeps your language skills sharp).

6 - Take a walk - studies suggest that regular exercise might slow or even prevent memory deterioration!

7 - Get a good night's sleep (zzzzzz)

So...summed up: sleep well, study more, exercise, be sociable and work your brain!

Check out usaweekend.com for more info and some puzzles to get you started!

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