Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Giving warms the heart and warms the homeless!

In Arizona it's often hard to remember that fall is upon us and cooler temperatures will be chilling those who are homeless throughout the winter months. Start thinking now to help those less fortunate...here are some easy ways to help:

* Visit www.socksnundies.org for a guide to organizing a drive for underwear for the homeless (this is a great scouting or class project)!

* Donate your family's outgrown coats - check www.onewarmcoat.org/donatecoat.php to find a donation site near you!

* Volunteer at a local shelter or soup kitchen - check out www.homelessshelterdirectory.org to get more information.

* Provide a blanket and clean sheets for a homeless child with a $35 donation at www.covenanthouse.org/donate/gift-catalog.

* Click on www.clicktogive.com/End-Homelessness.aspx. You can click it once a day at no cost to you and the site's sponsors will donate to the National Alliance to End Homelessness every time you hit "Click to Give." This one is too easy to pass up...go there now!

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