Sunday, January 10, 2010

Food on the Cheap!

My regular readers are by now familiar with my affinity for any way to make meals on a budget, but let us not forget that often neglected group of cheapskates, college students! So, given that my son who attends U of AZ and of necessity with high tuition and loan rates, often lives on ramen noodles and mac & cheese, I took a great deal of interest in the AOL food article entitled "Cheap Foods" (12/28/09)!

Here are a few highlights, but for all of the associated links, check out this site (and, YES, one of my New Year's resolutions is to figure out how to attach REAL links into my blog!):'?feeddeeplinkNum=0

1) Boxed Macaroni & Cheese: add a couple of spoonfuls of mustard + a pinch of nutmeg to make it tangy. Crumble crackers or breadcrumbs over the top and give it some crunch! And if you are short on milk sub half with water or use extra butter...yum!

2) Rice: add something extra by using fruit juice or broth for some or all of the water.

3) Canned Soup: Bulk it up and make it more of a meal by adding a handful of quick-cooking rice or some pre-cooked pasta. Even fresh veggies (roasted in some olive oil in the oven?) can perk up soups!

4) Frozen Pizza: add some home-roasted (in oven) veggies or sprinkle it with grated cheese and/or diced (or roasted or sauteed) garlic OR fresh herbs.

My own suggestion? (I know, you were just dying to ask...!) Bake a potato in a microwave (every college student has one or at least access to one!) and top it with canned chili, cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, onions, or any/all of the above or just about any other topping that suits your fancy!

Add your own suggestions in the comments section (my son would love any new ideas!)

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